YouTuber Calls Police After His Prank Fails

     A lot of the times in this world, you simply try to avoid calling the police station or the authorities in general unless you have a serious and legitimate reason to dial their number for an emergency. Key word: emergency. Police officers and almost mostly all other authoritative figures are extremely busy when not on patrol as they get excessive paperwork to do from previous escapades, home life, etc. And besides law officers, the dispatcher that answers your call from the station has to handle all kinds of stressful things on top of your bullshit if you actually do call for basically nothing. What I'm trying to say is, please don't call the authorities unless you have a serious and or immediate emergency; what I'm about to tell you all about is what you should NOT do during an altercation like the one this YouTuber was in the forefront of.

via YouTube
    Earlier this morning I stumbled across this video by YouTuber TJ Breese who I have watched a few times in the past, and in this video he was going to be going up to random strangers and take a picture of them without asking while using a disposable film camera so that way there is no way he can delete it. I have a sense of humor so I thought that the joke of the video was a tad harmless and had potential to be worth watching, and it was worth it but definitely not in a great way.

    At about nine minutes and fifteen seconds into the video, Breese approaches a man who looks to be in his 50's in the food court of the mall minding his own business. Of course TJ snaps a photo of the man who in turn doesn't want his photo taken by a strange kid so he reacts by asking Breese to not take pictures of him, which Breese doesn't listen to and continues to either take photos or try to, so this prompts the man to grab the camera somehow extremely easily from TJ's hands and no joke instantly TJ begins to act completely childish with the: "Give me back my camera. That's my camera. Hey, that camera is mine give it back." over and over, no joke.

    A mall security guard who was standing with Breese and the man was trying his best to de-escalate the situation the entire time but that's when it was far too late. After the man had the camera in his hand for about thirty five to forty seconds tops, Breese dials 9-1-1 and calls this whole thing... What a complete fucking dork. I would've expected that before I even bought the camera and had the idea; no shit someone is going to get irritated enough to snatch the camera and run or slam it to the mall floor into a million pieces if I just creepily and silently walked in front of them, staring at them dead in the eyes, and project intense flash photography into their retinas. A lot of these YouTube accounts that pay their friends to follow them around with a cameras all day mostly promote the same five things amongst each other and project it further to their fans very vocally and opiniated; one of those five things being that they're usually virgins. I'm not sure if TJ Breese has ever said whether or not he has actually done that, I'm just assuming it's maybe not likely so.

    The dispatcher is right away very confused and Breese turns into a male Karen or something. He begins to almost frantically and dead seriously tell the dispatcher that the man snatched the camera from his hand and won't give it back and that he needs help. He specifically says the words "I need help" to the dispatcher on the phone while the man stands still holding the disposable camera next to the security guard. Any chance of me thinking TJ Breese is cool or good at what he does is completely lost. He has almost no actual originality to him. The whole 'being sober is cool' thing is a great and positive message to the fans and peers, no doubt, but he pushes that so incredibly hard, nearly every other video there's a comment he makes about being sober. That's just a personal annoyance to me I guess, I'm not sure, I'm sorry for ranting right there.

    Anyways, during the phone call to the police station, the man hands back the camera and without a care in the world walked back to the direction of the food court. Instantly as this happened, Breese ended the call with the police and spoke to the security guard for a minute before exiting and ending the video with a mediocre rap song. I just feel personally that any other YouTuber probably wouldn't have called the cops over a man reacting to them messing with him on his break or whatever the hell, I could see a number of people respectfully handle the situation without expressing any distress or wasting the time of the authorities. But, I guess that's just me.

- Rhett


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