Chrisean Rock Is A Sad Thing

    I think one of the worst things a human being can do is objectify themselves for another human being. I know it's been the gold standard for centuries to be "in love" and find a committed partner to spend your life with, but to me I think anyone can do whatever they want. As long as it's something healthy for you, your partner, your ex partner, etc. then I say it's fine, whatever. But if you find yourself in a relationship/friendship/whatever with someone and it begins to get aggressive, resentful, depressing, or just toxic in anyway shape or form then I firmly recommend and suggest walking away from that person for a long while and focus up on yourself, your family, and eventually someday maybe you will find someone new and perhaps calmer, or better. That's not the case when it comes to idiotic tattoo-boy Blueface and this creepy thug-a-bub-bub 'Treesh' named Chrisean Rock, the latter who constantly posts on social media and tries to start controversies with Blueface.

    Blueface is a rapper from Los Angeles, California who truly became famous for rapping off-beat with simple silly trap songs. He's in no way shape or form a stranger to controversy previously by starting an OnlyFans reality show 'Blue Girls Club', I think it's called. Not sure, because every time I try and look it up I get confusing and weird results but I'm also probably typing it wrong because much like a lot of others, I don't care much to even truly find it. Either way, the whole point of this blog post is because within the last 48 hours or so in the world, Chrisean and Mr. Face have been all over the media pages because Chrisean holds allegations against Blueface of domestic violence and abuse, going live on Instagram displaying facial injuries from it. Then, it was reported that she takes it back and that he was actually at her rescue after she "had a bad trip". All around, bad trip or no trips, I find it incredibly sad that they have been getting a lot of attention recently for all the bad reasons. There's a lot of horrible things truly going on, and I'm not saying that this situation between Chrisean and Blueface isn't horrible, but at this point I don't know why someone in their personal circles hasn't told them both to just separate and do their own things for a while. It would be so much less toxic, and possibly the healthiest option they even have.

    The couple sadly have a new and terrible looking reality show coming out called 'Crazy In Love', or as I call it, 'Crazy This Got Made'. To me, it's another stretched attempt at staying relevant; although many people love watching couples and people fight, a lot more people don't and love themed reality television or streaming shows last maybe a few seasons and die off forever. My expectations on this show is that it will probably get a second season next year or something, but only because the first season will probably generate a lot of viewers due to their current rise in popularity and public interest, but if it's between you and me, I think the first episode will be the highest viewed and highest rated and then the viewership will slowly plummet through the season. But, people are dumb when money is involved so the producers will see this high profiled first episode and generally decently viewed first season and thing the second season will be the exact same. It's almost never that way, not even for most sitcoms. Sorry, fellas.

    To end this, I'll say I don't expect Blueface or Chrisean Rock to stay in the limelight whatsoever; I give them fairly one more year before everyone is completely juiced, drained, and bored. Their ploys are not for long-terms that's for sure. If I were them, I'd do something positive and cool and wouldn't try to capitalize on trash.

- Rhett Rhodes


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