An Early 90's Forgotten Masterpiece: Daniel Petrie Jr.'s 'Toy Soldiers' (1991)

I don't know about any other movie fan out there did this growing up, but when I was a kid I used to randomly select VHS tapes from the local DVD+VHS rental place where I grew up that I had never heard of or seen. Most of these times, I'd be with my grandma and renting a VHS was not even two bucks I don't think, so she was pleased to take a nap while I watched whatever I'd rented. I hated renting DVD's because if it had been rented before there was always a more than ten percent chance that it was going to skip at some point during the film due to some asinine dillhole leaving it out of the rental case at their filthy house and their dog probably stepped on it and the back always looks like a toddler licked it. So I'd be kind and rewind that shit instead. One fateful day, I was browsing the PG-13 and R rated section of the VHS's to rent because as a kid like I've mentioned more than once before, I was basically allowed to rent what I wanted as long...