'Nope' (2022) Movie Review | Rhetter.com

Jordan Peele's 'Nope' (2022) Movie Review by Rhett Rhodes *some spoilers* via iMDB As someone who is a fan of movies and stuff, I really suck at knowing what is supposed to be coming out soon and I guess I managed to let the existence of ' Nope ' fly right by me. But, it's never too late. I was driving back home from the bank last week when I looked at the local theater in my town and saw that this movie was going to be playing. After looking it up and seeing it was Jordan Peele 's newest film, I really couldn't believe I didn't even know about it! Thank god I decided to Google it or I would've missed it until a DVD or Blu-Ray release months later. Just like with Get Out , (note: as of this post I still have not seen Peele's second film ' Us ') I had no idea what to expect out of this film. Of course I had seen the trailers and studied the poster for minutes on end, I just knew that the film was going to possibly be about an a...