Clerks III - Movie Review (NO big SPOILERS)

by Rhett Rhodes - twitter: @rhettrhodes98 #SPOILERFREE on big spoilers, but contains small spoilers Upon first reading the articles sometime last year I believe about how this movie had started production for real and who was all going to be in it, I was definitely excited and couldn't wait for more. Then, no joke, I remembered 'Jay and Silent Bob Reboot' and I seriously lost all hope I had and figured there was no this was going to be good at all. The legacy might be ruined, and that thought alone was enough to bring a Zoloft prescription. Luckily enough for me, I feel as though the legacy has not been ruined after finishing 'Clerks III' and I feel pretty satisfied with it as an addition to the 'View Askew' universe of films. To me, it feels like the ending piece; I don't want it to be the last View Askewniverse movie, Kevin Smith talks about how there will be more , but I really think Kevin Smith is truly signing off on these specific characters i...