
Showing posts from September, 2022

Clerks III - Movie Review (NO big SPOILERS)

 by Rhett Rhodes - twitter: @rhettrhodes98 #SPOILERFREE on big spoilers, but contains small spoilers     Upon first reading the articles sometime last year I believe about how this movie had started production for real and who was all going to be in it, I was definitely excited and couldn't wait for more. Then, no joke, I remembered 'Jay and Silent Bob Reboot' and I seriously lost all hope I had and figured there was no this was going to be good at all. The legacy might be ruined, and that thought alone was enough to bring a Zoloft prescription. Luckily enough for me, I feel as though the legacy has not been ruined after finishing 'Clerks III' and I feel pretty satisfied with it as an addition to the 'View Askew' universe of films. To me, it feels like the ending piece; I don't want it to be the last View Askewniverse movie, Kevin Smith talks about how there will be more , but I really think Kevin Smith is truly signing off on these specific characters i

That One Time I Watched 'The Killing of a Sacred Deer' With My Brothers

 by rhett rhodes - twitter: @rhettrhodes98 *SPOILERS; details of film's plot is spilled out here*     One of my favorite things to do is to show people the movies that I hold near and dear, and the weirder the movie, the better the experience. I bought this movie on DVD on a whim randomly years back and I watched it over and over again; of course, I'm talking about Yorgos Lanthimos' 2017 masterpiece ' The Killing of a Sacred Deer '. The movie is a masterpiece to me and that's all that matters, I don't care who claims it isn't. It's not Yorgos' best, but I would never claim it as his worst. The film centers around a teenager named Martin who holds an everlasting grudge on the doctor and surgeon played by Colin Farrell that was too drunk to save his father during a life threatening heart surgery, and places a curse on him that will slowly kill each member of his family unless he sacrifices one member to save the others. To me, that plot was crazy a

Aqua Teen Forever: Plantasm Is Going To Be Good, I Can Feel It

 by rhett rhodes // twitter:  @rhettrhodes98     Ever since about 2011, I have trying to tell my brothers that the creators of Adult Swim's original show 'Aqua Teen Hunger Force', Matt Maiellaro and Dave Willis, would be making a sequel to their 2007 film 'Aqua Teen Hunger Force Colon Movie Film For Theaters'. And as time kept going on and on, my brothers and I were simply just starting to believe that it would actually never really happen despite reading things online of speculations on a new movie. To my knowledge back in the day and even now, the sequel was going to be something involving the character of Chicken Brittle who we see in the first movie, which would make it a legitimate sequel if it were to have been made, but here with Aqua Teen Forever: Plantasm it feels obviously less of a sequel to the first movie and simply a brand new standalone film featuring all the characters we know and love in yet another misadventure.     Based off of the trailer, it app

'X' by Ti West - Movie Review

 by Rhett Rhodes @ rhettrhodes98     Just like everyone else, every year I am absorbed by some kind of new A24 movie. A24 of course being the film production company responsible for some of the most successful and bizarrely entertaining hit films such as Harmony Korine's 2013 film Springe Breakers, and 2018's Hereditary. While that first film I named is a personal favorite, the latter of the two I named was insanely successful worldwide and has literally become something of a cult classic. I'm not going to lie, but I firmly believe that Ti West is on his way there with this film.     Taking place in the year 1979, the film follows a group of people who try to secretly make a pornographic film on a rural farm that is owned by an elderly couple named Howard and Pearl. I mean that plot alone could definitely bring in just about anybody, but to be honest I truly wanted to see this movie because of the people who were in it and the decade it takes place in. Anytime a movie that

Wido - Field Day (Album) Review

      by rhett rhodes @rhettrhodes98 via SoundCloud     Sometime in the summer of 2020, I was clicking on random artist recommendations on Spotify and listened to a song or two from a duo called XIX. They have since changed their name to ' WHOKILLEDXIX ', but that doesn't matter a damn bit either way; from XIX I clicked on Wido and I've truly been a fan of this person ever since. The song I listened to was 'Push it!' which they released back in February of 2020. And by November of that very same year, Push it! had already garnered over a million plays if I remember correctly. Well, from early 2020 all the way to early 2021 or so, Wido was pretty inactive musically, that was until they released their debut album ' Decision Making ', which I enjoy just a select number of songs from but in the end found it to be rather mediocre compared to the creatively glitchy and pitched up autotuned vocals from their previous singles. Well, I've just now dived into

Steve-O From Jackass Is Ironically Ruining His Reputation Again

      Recently, Jackass star 'Steve-O' joined newest Jackass cast member and breakout star 'Poopies' on his podcast 'The Shittiest Podcast in the World', and fans including myself were all pretty quick to point out Steve-O's faults this time around. It took the Poopies podcast to be the straw that broke the camels back, and I find it a bit hilariously ironic. Of course, I love Steve-O, you love Steve-O; he's a great guy in general, but these days he's carrying himself as a great guy a little too far. I didn't think that was even possible until watching this episode.     It's a little awkward from the start either way. Before doing a podcast, it's very obvious by him talking about it on previous episodes that he gets high before recording an episode. It's very clear Steve-O is annoyed by this; most of the jokes Poopies said were obviously dumb but on the Jackass set Steve-O definitely would've been cackling childishly at the jokes

WHOKILLEDXIX - Anxiety (Single) Review

 by Rhett Rhodes     Most of the time as an artist or band grows and becomes successful or somewhat successful it's always best to do new things and spice it up a little bit. One in particular that comes in mind and was extremely and unexpectedly successful was Machine Gun Kelly's switch over to full-on pop punk 24/7. Sure, it wore out its welcome after about a year and a half after he started doing that but what a wealthy and Megan Fox bagging success. But, if you finally have the correct resources and an advantage of professional studios + gear doesn't mean you should always go that specific route for new material, especially when you have a fanbase that likes your music for one specific genre.     WHOKILLEDXIX are a duo consisting of producer/rapper/singer Karm The Tool and rapper/singer Yung Skayda who in 2020 grew a quick cult following after Tik Tok virality of their song Kismet . Since then, they've released an arsenal of catchy upbeat pop/rap tracks and a few EP

YouTuber Calls Police After His Prank Fails

     A lot of the times in this world, you simply try to avoid calling the police station or the authorities in general unless you have a serious and legitimate reason to dial their number for an emergency. Key word: emergency . Police officers and almost mostly all other authoritative figures are extremely busy when not on patrol as they get excessive paperwork to do from previous escapades, home life, etc. And besides law officers, the dispatcher that answers your call from the station has to handle all kinds of stressful things on top of your bullshit if you actually do call for basically nothing. What I'm trying to say is, please don't call the authorities unless you have a serious and or immediate emergency; what I'm about to tell you all about is what you should NOT do during an altercation like the one this YouTuber was in the forefront of. via YouTube     Earlier this morning I stumbled across this video by YouTuber TJ Breese who I have watched a few times in the